Are these familiar?
Living in a day-to-day default mode
In-between seasons of waiting
Overwhelm and fatigue that comes with doing work that matters
Your experience is very close to my heart—I’ve been through them (more than once).
Hi, I’m Kitty Ferreria.
It’s my mission to help people like you make meaningful progress on what really matters, through powerful and purposeful coaching conversations, workshops, and tools so that you can joyfully remain on your path to the fulfilling life you deeply desire.
Let me share with you my story…
Switching Off Auto-Pilot
It was my first time visiting such an exotic place, Morocco. We had just one full day to explore outside Marrakesh and that morning, I was delaying our little group of 3 because I was sending out emails. This was in 2009, so it was on a heavy laptop and a Blackberry.
I’m sure he didn’t mean to offend (he was a nice guy!), but our tour guide asked: “You do everything for your job, what does it do for you?”
I just smiled. I had no response for him at that time, but it launched me into an inner quest to find what brings my life meaning and how I wanted to shape it.
I consider myself a naturally reflective person, with a tendency to overanalyze.
So a powerful question from a stranger halfway around the world, and the fact that I had no solid answer that satisfied me, led me to look back at how I was living my life so far, the choices a made (and did not make), and where I would like to go.
It became clear to me that:
1) I was outgrowing the job I had
2) I wanted to have my life revolve around more than just my work
3) I had been following a very predictable path that wasn’t leading me to the kind of life I wanted
It took over a year of thinking, planning and preparing before I shifted paths. While I was in the crossroads, I did my inner work so I could be clear about what I wanted, and courageous enough to make the change. Instead of feeling anxious about the change, I was fueled by the excitement of the future that I began to see.
This transitioning to a new season in my life happened with prayer, research, support from family and friends, partnering with a life coach, and an open, trusting (and sometimes restless) disposition.
I made outward shifts: going from full-time employment to consulting work, getting married and becoming a parent.
I evolved through inward shifts in what I believe, revisiting and honoring my values and deepest desires. This part is what made those outer shifts meaningful.
I continually reorient myself as I discover more of my purpose.
And I’m learning to embrace my ‘work-in-progress’-ness.
When I think back to that moment in Morocco, I see an auto-pilot switch getting turned off. I’m glad I took my time then to approach life in a more deliberate way, rather than waiting for life to happen as I wished.
I believe that you were created with purpose.
You are a powerhouse—creative, and strategic.
Your ideas go far beyond yourself, and with care and boldness, you develop them.
You are your own kind of smart and that is your gift.
By clarifying what you deeply desire, discovering more and more of your truest and beautiful self, and stretching yourself, you can be more intentional and purposeful choices that lead you to a more meaningful life.
You (just as I) have one precious life to live to the fullest, and I'm your caring confidante and sharp perspective-shifter to help you do well, do good, and enable others to do the same by your presence. Life is short, let me help you make meaningful progress on what matters to you.